What? The
Lacy Scott Auction catalogue has just gone live? Well, will you look on it for me and see if they've got a Winstanley glazed pottery cat in seated pose? I can't go online myself, because I've had Carol round all afternoon and I'm just too shattered from talking. Now, if it's a tabby or a black and white one, then it's not worth very much, because the Winstanley factory made millions of them. But if it's a Siamese cat, then it's worth at least £60, only it's got to have blue eyes and be in the seated pose. They do them in 'curled up asleep', 'stretching langorously' or 'batting playfully at an imaginary bird', but those models are not so valuable, because they're just a little bit too common really. And if they've got greenish eyes, it means that they're just cheap seconds and I've had my fingers burnt with a few of those in my time, I can tell you. So... if they've got a blue eyed Siamese Winstanley glazed pottery cat in seated pose, can you put in an email bid for £15 and see what happens? Then on the day, you can telephone bid it up to 40 if necessary, but anything more than that, just walk away. I've got to make my profit. Basil! Stop following me around. I'll have a nervous breakdown in a minute!