I'm just trying to label up some of these things that your father's fetched for me from Peter Wilson's. Should this be a 'SMALL PAIR OF STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS' or a 'PAIR OF SMALL STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS'? I'm so addled these days, I can't work out where adjectives need to go. I think it must be because of the duvet turmoil. Your father's always cold and wants the 12.5 tog one on. I'm too hot because of the memory foam, so I only want the 4.5 tog. I might just have to get a mattress topper to sort it all out, only the bed's already so high that I have to jump to get in. I'd ask Mary for advice, only you can't ring her up if the rugby or The Archers is on, so there aren't that many windows of opportunity. Anyway, I'm going to take up watercolour painting, so go on the Google and see if there are any art shops left anywhere, because I can't bloody well find any.