Ooh, Wade Whimsies! I love Wade Whimsies! What's the lot number? Lot 1307. Right, can go to Willingham Auctions and put a bid in for me? How much? Oh, anything between £35 and £36 should be fine. Don't go to £37 though, because I'll need to make my profit. I should get £2 each for them, so that's £40. £4 clear profit, you see, if you can get them for £36. That's 10%. And I'll go halves on the profit, so that's £2 for you. £2, and all you have to do is go to Willingham Auctions, buy them, individually pack them in bubble wrap and drive them up to Stoke... Well, I'll give you £3, then... That's all I can afford at the moment because I can't get anywhere near the bank with these hot flushes I keep having... Evie! Stop listening to that Tchaikovsky and eat your Monster Munch!
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