I've just bought this Dinky Daimler ambulance from Louis Taylor's for £250, so can you find out what it's actually worth? Just look on Ebay and see what other ones have gone for. What? 8 dollars?! Has it got a box? If it's mint and it's got a box, it's worth at least double. Mine's got a box, and these other four I've bought. I tell you though, it's worn me out going and bidding yesterday. I'm going to need my oestrogen levels correcting, only the GP won't let me have any oestrogen unless I stop smoking. And then he tries to explain urinary tract infections to me. They don't realise I saw 22 years' worth of urinary tract infections at the maternity hospital and I'm married to a GP as it is. And to cap it all, they won't let you have any bloody oestrogen. It makes you sick, it really does.
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